ESG and Values

At the Company, we are proud to be contributing to Australia’s energy landscape, even more so through the oil and gas industry which has historically been such a strong contributor amongst others in the sector. As Australia and the world moves to more considered sources of energy, the oil and gas industry is forced to recognise that it cannot operate just as it has – it must evolve its practices to ensure it can continue to support Australia’s growing energy needs in what is an increasingly ‘sustainability’ focused environment.
We take this evolution seriously and through every level of the business, we strive to reflect a culture that mirrors the environmental and socially responsible values of the world we operate in.

We do not operate in an echo chamber.
The Company is committed to ensuring that the voices at the table represent the society we live and capture the best and the brightest talent available to us. We are committed to implementing recruitment processes that tap into a diverse range of skills and expertise. We are also committed to maintaining inclusive corporate practices.
Our number one priority at Omega is to ensure operational safety through all facets of the business. This is all encompassing and non-negotiable. We firmly stand by our commitment to provide a safe environment for our workers, contractors, sub-contractors, land holders and community stakeholders at all times.

At Omega Oil and Gas, we believe in measurable and achievable targets to hold ourselves accountable to. These targets are:
- Aim to use recycled water for fracking during development activities. Fracking activities are water intensive processes and can tolerate a broad range of water properties. Recycled water has the potential to preserve water from local water bores for agricultural purposes.

Corporate governance
It is often said that a company’s greatest asset is its people. There is no truer a statement than here at Omega Oil & Gas. We have a management team and a Board who has excelled in not just the oil and gas industry, but across finance, resources, energy and construction. Through our diverse range of skills and expertise at the company we are able to develop and implement robust corporate policies which align with our mission, our values and purpose as a company. Our team is appropriately incentivised to ensure a commitment to company targets is maintained and corporate values are upheld.
We view our ESG responsibility broadly and seek to implement:
- Innovative operational practices that reduce our physical footprint onsite and reuse materials where possible.
- Employment and engagement programs which are inclusive and foster diversity of thought.
- Conscientious use of non-renewable resources such as water and fuel.
- Implementation of renewable sources of energy onsite.
- Efficient onsite work campaigns to reduce mobilisation footprint.
- Cross-functional hiring to capture talent and experience from complimentary industries.
- Partnerships with carbon capture, utilisation and storage projects in the region.
Though the steps we are taking may seem small, they are deliberate, impactful and scalable as the business grows.
Omega Oil and Gas, through its management team and board of directors, prides itself on establishing and fostering a ‘Safety First’ culture. Through the team’s prior operational experience in the industry, management employ only best practice operational practices.
We will continuously endeavour to define our goals and commit to achieving them, thereby engendering an ethos trust and accountability.
The team at Omega Oil and Gas are unified by one key characteristic – tenacity. Whether it is securing prime exploration acreage in emerging hydrocarbon fairways, or utilising existing CSG infrastructure to reduce our operational footprint, here at Omega we are driven and disciplined in our pursuit of success.
We are privileged to call Australia home, in particular the unique and prosperous region of South-East Queensland. Our ability to operate in the Surat Basin is made possible by our strong ties to the community and we are focused on ensuring our contributions to the local community preserve the regions way of life, whilst uplifting the local economy.